Kickoff Dock Party at JelLEEfish Joel’s! Celebrate with live music, great food, and drinks as we kick off the weekend in style.
Day 1 Poker Run – Heading north to Lee’s Landing Dock Bar. Highlights: Lunch stop and pool party!
Day 2 Poker Run – Heading south to Tiki Lee’s Dock Bar. Highlights: Lunch stop and pool party! Fireworks and poker hands back at JelLEEfish Joel’s Saturday night!
Pull an Ace at any card stop = $500 cash.
First person to pull 4 Aces in their first 5 cards = $10,000 grand prize!
Mark your calendars for this epic weekend of boating, parties, and big prizes!
We have a Room Block under Lee's Restaurant Group for booking during the Poker Run at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Chestertown. The rooms are booked on premise at the lodge.
Looking for an AirBNB, Chestertown Happenings is a fabulous Facebook page to find recommendations.